Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Teh dan Kopi

masa itupun berlangsung..
ketika aku sedang menikmati manisnya Kopi..
Kau kembalikan Teh itu, dan Kau bawa pergi Kopinya..
tak mudah lidah ini merasakan kembali manisnya teh
dan tak mudah lidah ini tak menyentuh dan tak merasakan lagi manisanya Kopi yang meskipun tercampur dengan kafein..
Teh itu sudah tak sesedap dulu..
Teh yang kini ada hanyalah topeng..
begitu juga dengan Kopi..
lidah ini hanya merasakan ampas Teh..
yang kurasakan kini pada Kopi hanyalah efek kafein..

lidah ini akan selalu rindu...

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Fenomerna Tindihan Waktu Tidur (Sleep Paralysis)

Pernah terbangun dari tidur, tapi sulit bergerak ataupun berteriak? Tenang, Anda bukan sedang diganggu mahkluk halus. Ini penjelasan ilmiahnya!

Saat hendak bangun dari tidur atau baru saja terlelap, kita merasa seperti ditindih sesuatu. Ini membuat kita sulit bangun ataupun berteriak minta tolong.

Lalu, ada sedikit rasa dingin menjalar dari ujung kaki ke seluruh tubuh. Untuk bisa bangun, satu-satunya cara adalah menggerakkan ujung kaki, ujung tangan atau kepala sekencang-kencangnya hingga seluruh tubuh bisa digerakkan kembali.

Setelah itu, biasanya saya tidak berani tidur. Takut kesadaran saya hilang atau kejadian itu berulang lagi. Apalagi saat kejadian, saya seperti melihat sebuah bayangan di kegelapan.

Pernah saya saya bercerita tentang hal ini pada ibu saya. Beliau mengatakan saya mengalami tindihan. Dan menurut kepercayaan orang tua, yang menindih adalah makhluk halus. Ih, seram ya! Namun, logika saya berusaha mencari penjelasan ilmiah. Inilah hasilnya

Sleep Paralysis

Menurut medis, keadaan ketika orang akan tidur atau bangun tidur merasa sesak napas seperti dicekik, dada sesak, badan sulit bergerak dan sulit berteriak disebut sleep paralysis alias tidur lumpuh (karena tubuh tak bisa bergerak dan serasa lumpuh). Hampir setiap orang pernah mengalaminya. Setidaknya sekali atau dua kali dalam hidupnya.

Sleep paralysis bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, lelaki atau perempuan. Dan usia rata-rata orang pertama kali mengalami gangguan tidur ini adalah 14-17 tahun. Sleep paralysis alias tindihan ini memang bisa berlangsung dalam hitungan detik hingga menit. Yang menarik, saat tindihan terjadi kita sering mengalami halusinasi, seperti melihat sosok atau bayangan hitam di sekitar tempat tidur. Tak heran, fenomena ini pun sering dikaitkan dengan hal mistis.

Di dunia Barat, fenomena tindihan sering disebut mimpi buruk inkubus atau old hag berdasarkan bentuk bayangan yang muncul. Ada juga yang merasa melihat agen rahasia asing atau alien. Sementara di beberapa lukisan abad pertengahan, tindihan digambarkan dengan sosok roh jahat menduduki dada seorang perempuan hingga ia ketakutan dan sulit bernapas.

Kurang Tidur

Menurut Al Cheyne, peneliti dari Universitas Waterloo, Kanada, sleep paralysis, adalah sejenis halusinasi karena adanya malfungsi tidur di tahap rapid eye movement (REM).

Sebagai pengetahuan, berdasarkan gelombang otak, tidur terbagi dalam 4 tahapan. Tahapan itu adalah tahap tidur paling ringan (kita masih setengah sadar), tahap tidur yang lebih dalam, tidur paling dalam dan tahap REM. Pada tahap inilah mimpi terjadi.

Saat kondisi tubuh terlalu lelah atau kurang tidur, gelombang otak tidak mengikuti tahapan tidur yang seharusnya. Jadi, dari keadaan sadar (saat hendak tidur) ke tahap tidur paling ringan, lalu langsung melompat ke mimpi (REM).

Ketika otak mendadak terbangun dari tahap REM tapi tubuh belum, di sinilah sleep paralysis terjadi. Kita merasa sangat sadar, tapi tubuh tak bisa bergerak. Ditambah lagi adanya halusinasi muncul sosok lain yang sebenarnya ini merupakan ciri khas dari mimpi.

Selain itu, sleep paralysis juga bisa disebabkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dikontrol. Akibatnya, muncul stres dan terbawa ke dalam mimpi. Lingkungan kerja pun ikut berpengaruh. Misalnya, Anda bekerja dalam shift sehingga kekurangan tidur atau memiliki pola tidur yang tidak teratur.

Jangan Anggap Remeh

Meski biasa terjadi, gangguan tidur ini patut diwaspadai. Pasalnya, sleep paralysis bisa juga merupakan pertanda narcolepsy (serangan tidur mendadak tanpa tanda-tanda mengantuk), sleep apnea (mendengkur), kecemasan, atau depresi.

Jika Anda sering mengalami gangguan tidur ini, sebaiknya buat catatan mengenai pola tidur selama beberapa minggu. Ini akan membantu Anda mengetahui penyebabnya. Lalu, atasi dengan menghindari pemicu. Bila tindihan diakibatkan terlalu lelah, coba lebih banyak beristirahat.

Kurang tidur pun tidak boleh dianggap remeh. Jika sudah menimbulkan sleep paralysis, kondisinya berarti sudah berat. Segera evaluasi diri dan cukupi kebutuhan tidur. Usahakan tidur 8-10 jam pada jam yang sama setiap malam.

Perlu diketahui juga, seep paralysis umumnya terjadi pada orang yang tidur dalam posisi telentang (wajah menghadap ke atas dan hampir nyenyak atau dalam keadaan hampir terjaga dari tidur). Itu sebabnya, kita perlu sering mengubah posisi tidur untuk mengurangi risiko terserang gangguan tidur ini.

Nah, jika tindihan disertai gejala lain, ada baiknya segera ke dokter ahli tidur atau laboratorium tidur untuk diperiksa lebih lanjut. Biasanya dokter akan menanyakan kapan tindihan dimulai dan sudah berlangsung berapa lama. Catatan yang telah Anda buat tadi akan sangat membantu ketika memeriksakan diri ke dokter.

Mitos Sleep Paralysis Di Berbagai Negara

- Di budaya Afro-Amerika, gangguan tidur ini disebut the devil riding your back hantu atau hantu yang sedang menaiki bahu seseorang.

- Di budaya China, disebut gui ya shen alias gangguan hantu yang menekan tubuh seseorang.

- Di budaya Meksiko, disebut se me subio el muerto dan dipercaya sebagai kejadian adanya arwah orang meninggal yang menempel pada seseorang.

- Di budaya Kamboja, Laos dan Thailand, disebut pee umm, mengacu pada kejadian di mana seseorang tidur dan bermimpi makhluk halus memegangi atau menahan tubuh orang itu untuk tinggal di alam mereka.

- Di budaya Islandia, disebut mara. Ini adalah kata kuno bahasa Island. Artinya hantu yang menduduki dada seseorang di malam hari, berusaha membuat orang itu sesak napas dan mati lemas.

- Di budaya Tuki, disebut karabasan, dipercaya sebagai makhluk yang menyerang orang di kala tidur, menekan dada orang tersebut dan mengambil napasnya.

- Di budaya Jepang, disebut kanashibari, yang secara literatur diartikan mengikat sehingga diartikan seseorang diikat oleh makhluk halus.

- Di budaya Vietnam, disebut ma de yang artinya dikuasai setan. Banyak penduduk Vietnam percaya gangguan ini terjadi karena makhluk halus merasuki tubuh seseorang.

- Di budaya Hungaria, disebut lidercnyomas dan dikaitkan dengan kata supranatural boszorkany (penyihir). Kata boszorkany sendiri berarti menekan sehingga kejadian ini diterjemahkan sebagai tekanan yang dilakukan makhluk halus pada seseorang di saat tidur.

- Di budaya Malta, gangguan tidur ini dianggap sebagai serangan oleh Haddiela (istri Hares), dewa bangsa Malta yang menghantui orang dengan cara merasuki orang tersebut. Dan untuk terhindar dari serangan Haddiela, seseorang harus menaruh benda dari perak atau sebuah pisau di bawah bantal saat tidur.

- Di budaya New Guinea, fenomena ini disebut Suk Ninmyo. Ini adalah pohon keramat yang hidup dari roh manusia. Pohon keramat ini akan memakan roh manusia di malam hari agar tidak menggangu manusia di siang hari. Namun, seringkali orang yang rohnya sedang disantap pohon ini terbangun dan terjadilah sleep paralysis.
Ketika kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang membuat kita tertarik,
Itu bukan pilihan, itu kesempatan.

Bertemu seseorang dalam suatu peristiwa bukanlah pilihan,
Itupun adalah kesempatan.

Bila kita memutuskan untuk mencintai orang tersebut,
Bahkan dengan segala kekurangannya,
Itu bukan kesempatan, itu adalah pilihan.

Ketika kita memilih bersama dengan seseorang walaupun apapun yang terjadi,
Itu adalah pilihan.

Bahkan ketika kita menyadari bahwa masih banyak orang lain yang lebih menarik,
lebih pandai, lebih kaya daripada pasanganmu dan kamu tetap memilih untuk mencintainya,
Itulah pilihan.

Perasaan cinta, simpatik, tertarik,
Datang bagai kesempatan pada kita.
Tetapi cinta sejati yang abadi adalah pilihan.

Berbicara tentang pasangan jiwa,
Ada suatu kutipan dari film yang mungkin sangat tepat :
“Nasib membawa kita bersama, tetapi tetap bergantung pada kita bagaimana membuat semuanya berhasil”

Pasangan jiwa bisa benar-benar ada.
Dan bahkan sangat mungkin ada seseorang yang diciptakan hanya untukmu. Tetapi tetap berpulang padamu,untuk melakukan pilihan apakah engkau ingin melakukan sesuatu untuk mendapatkannya, atau tidak…

Kita mungkin kebetulan bertemu pasangan jiwa kita,
Tetapi mencintai dan tetap bersama pasangan jiwa kita,
Adalah pilihan yang harus kita lakukan.

Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai,
untuk belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara yang sempurna…….

saran-saran persahabatan

1.Pikirkanlah apa yang dapat kamu berikan kepada sahabatmu bukan apa yang dapat kamu peroleh dari persahabatan. Jangan bersahabat hanya demi memperoleh kesenangan, karena jika demikian, kamu bukanlah sahabat sejati. Hargailah sahabatmu seperti kamu ingin dihargai
2.Dukunglah sahabatmu. Sahabat sejati selalu saling menyemangati dan �mendorong� supaya mereka
bersama- sama dapat menjadi yang terbaik bukannya saling menjatuhkan. Ia turut berbahagia ketika sahabatnya berhasil mencapai apa yang diinginkannya dan tidak merasa tersaingi.
3.Bersedia untuk memaafkan. Jangan biarkan �luka� berkembang menjadi kepahitan karena hal ini akan menghancurkan persahabatan yang ada. Maafkan kesalahan yang diperbuat oleh sahabatmu dan jangan biarkan luka itu merusak hubunganmu.
4.Jangan memandang kesalahan yang dibuatnya. Ini adalah suatu cara untuk menunjukkan betapa kita peduli terhadap dia. Jangan tinggalkan sahabatmu saat dia berbuat kesalahan. Bersabarlah dan tuntunlah dia untuk berubah. Sadarilah bahwa tidak ada orang yang sempurna.
5.Jadilah sahabat yang dapat diandalkan dan tepatilah janji yang telah kamu ucapkan.
6.Jangan mencoba untuk mengontrol sahabatmu. Bersahabat bukan berarti harus selalu bersama-sama. Memang akan sangat menyenangkan bila dapat selalu bersama dengan orang yang kita kasihi. Namun ingat, sahabat kita itu bukan monopoli kita sendiri karena ia juga mempunyai teman lain selain kita. Untuk itu jangan merasa dikhianati ketika temanmu bergaul dengan yang lain, sebaliknya usahakan kamu juga dapat berteman dengan mereka. Hal ini akan membuat kita dan sahabat kita lebih menghargai satu sama lain.
7.Selalu ada disaat senang maupun susah. Bergembiralah bersama mereka saat mereka sedang bergembira namun jangan ada hanya pada saat senang saja. Ketika sahabatmu sedang kesal akan sesuatu, berikan mereka perhatian. Yang paling dibutuhkan dari seorang sahabat adalah sepasang telinga yang simpatik dan yang mau memahami perasaan mereka.
8.Menerima apa adanya sahabatmu. Jangan menuntut sahabat kita untuk bereaksi dengan cara yang sama
seperti yang biasa kita lakukan. Hargailah dia apa adanya termasuk juga keputusan yang dia ambil yang mungkin tidak sesuai dengan kehendak kita.
9.Jangan jadi �Ember� (mulut bocor). Belajarlah untuk menjaga rahasia sahabatmu.
10.Jangan biarkan perbedaan pendapat menghancurkan persahabatanmu. Misalkan kamu sedang berdiskusi dengan sahabatmu dan waktu kamu mengemukakan pendapat yang menurut kamu benar ternyata ia tidak setuju. Bila itu terjadi, jangan terus berdebat yang hanya akan membuat kamu dongkol. Lepaskan hasrat untuk menang sendiri daripada persahabatanmu rusak karenanya.

Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Tx God

God tx banget setelah 6 bulan kunanti-nantikan ternyata kau mendengar doaku

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

time is running out

I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
that you've created
you're something beautiful
a contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction
you will be the death of me
yeah, you will be the death of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
but I'm restricted
I tried to give you up
but I'm addicted
now that you know I'm trapped
since of ovulation
you'll never dream of
breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this?
you will suck the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
and our time is running out
you can't push it underground
we can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this?

Doaku padaMu

Ya Allah Tuhanku seseungguhnya aku memohon kepadaMu, pilihkanlah bagiku mana yang baik bagiku menurut ilmuMu, dan aku memohon kepadaMu kekuatan dengan kodratMu, dan aku memohon dengan karuniaMu yang besar, karena sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui sedangkan aku tidak mengetahui dan Engkaulah yang mengetahui segala perkara. Ya Allah Tuhanku , jika memang telah Engkau ketahui bahwa perkara ini baik bagiku dalam urusan penghidupan adan agamaku serta akibat urusanku, maka takdirkanlah ia untukku dan mudahkanlah ia bagiku, serta berkatilah bagiku di dalamnya. Tetapi jika Engkau ketahui bahwa perkara ini buruk bagiku dalam hidupku serta akibat urusanku, maka hindarkanlah ia bagiku dan ajuhkan pula aku dari padnya. Dan takdirkanlah kebaikan bagiku di mana saja adanya, lalu jadikanlah hatiku mengikhlaskannya.

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009


Aku bermimpi bila itu tak terjadi lagi

Bila padang rumput tak lagi hijau lagi

Bila pelangi tak berwarna lagi

Bila biru pancaran air laut pudar

Bila putihnya hati kotor

Bila manusia tak bermimpi

Hampa gelapnya bunga tidur

Layak semut dalam lubang cacing

Dan bila malam seperti dulu

Cahaya bintang terangi sang malam


Kutemukan batu laknat dari neraka

Panasnya mengusik hati manusia

Yang terhimpit awan dan petir

Hijau padang rumput dan warna pelangi

Tak lagi menemani menyuapinya

Pelangi itu tak lagi menyelimutinya

Awan dan petir kini disampingya

Temukan serpihan manisnya petir

Pelangi dan petir adalah sababat?

Batu laknat runtuhkan mereka

Gunung kan mendekap

Aku tenggelam di birunya laut

Gunung yang hijau hendak menyeretku

Awan putih di langit memanggilku

Birunya pancaran air laut mengangkatku

Ku terbangun dari lelapku oleh pasir putih

Pekatnya warna matahari di atas kepala terpaku

Hijaunya pohon hutan memberiku senyuman

Hijaunya daun melambai menyapaku

Dalamnya jurang tetap membayangi

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009


You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I’ll always love
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I’ll always love

I’ll be there as soon as I can
But I’m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one I’ll always love

I’ll be there as soon as I can
But I’m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

I’ll be there as soon as I can
But I’m busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Before you


Muse, from left to right: Matthew Bellamy, Christopher Wolstenholme and Dominic Howard.
Background information
Origin Teignmouth, Devon, England
Genre(s) Alternative rock, progressive rock, new prog
Years active 1994–present
Label(s) Helium 3, Warner Bros. Records, Mushroom Records, Taste Media
Website muse.mu
Matthew Bellamy
Christopher Wolstenholme
Dominic Howard

Muse are a British rock band that was formed in Teignmouth, Devon, England in 1994. Since their inception, the band has comprised Matthew Bellamy (vocals, guitar, piano), Christopher Wolstenholme (bass guitar, vocals, keyboards) and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion). Muse are known best for their visually dazzling live performances[1][2] and on June 16 and 17, 2007 became the first band to sell out the newly built Wembley Stadium in London.[3] Muse have released four studio albums. Their most recent, Black Holes & Revelations, earned the band a Mercury Prize nomination and a third place finish in the NME Albums of the Year list for 2006.[4] Muse have won many other music awards throughout their career, including five MTV Europe Music Awards, five Q Awards, six NME Awards, two BRIT awards and four Kerrang! Awards.



Formation and early years (1992–1997)

The members of Muse played in separate bands during their stay at Teignmouth Community College and Coombeshead College in the early 1990s.[5] The formation of Muse began when Bellamy successfully auditioned for the part of guitarist in Dominic Howard's band. They asked Chris Wolstenholme, who played drums at the time, to learn to play bass guitar for the band. Wolstenholme agreed and took up lessons.

In 1994, under the name Rocket Baby Dolls and with a goth/glam image, the group won a local battle of the bands contest, smashing their equipment in the process.[6][7] "It was supposed to be a protest, a statement", Bellamy said, "so, when we actually won, it was a real shock. A massive shock. After that, we started taking ourselves seriously". Shortly after the contest, the three decided to forego university, quit their jobs, change the band name to Muse, and move away from Teignmouth.[8]

First EPs and Showbiz (1998–2000)

Muse logo.

After a few years building a fan base, Muse played their first gigs in London and Manchester. The band had a significant meeting with Dennis Smith, the owner of Sawmills Studio, situated in a converted water mill in Cornwall.

This meeting led to their first proper recordings and the release of an eponymous EP on Sawmills' in-house Dangerous label,[6] with a front cover designed by Howard. Their second EP, the Muscle Museum EP, reached number 3 in the indie singles chart and attracted the attention of British radio broadcaster Steve Lamacq as well as the weekly British music publication NME. Dennis Smith introduced the band to Safta Jaffery with whom he had recently started the record label Taste Media. Muse signed with Smith and Jaffery and recorded their first three albums, Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry, and Absolution, with Taste Media.

Despite the success of their second EP, British record companies were reluctant to sign Muse. It was after a trip to New York's CMJ Festival that an American record label flew them to Los Angeles to showcase. Nanci Walker, then Sr. Director of A&R at Columbia Records, flew Muse to the U.S. to showcase for Columbia Record's then Senior Vice President of A&R, Tim Devine, as well as for American Recording's Rick Rubin. It was during this trip, on December 24, 1998, that Muse signed a deal with Maverick Records. [9]

Upon their return from America, Taste Media arranged deals for Muse with various record labels in Europe and Australia, allowing them to maintain control over their career in individual countries.

The minimax UNO CD-single.

John Leckie was brought in to produce the band's first record, Showbiz. The album showcased the band's soft style, and the lyrics made reference to the difficulties they had encountered while trying to establish themselves in Teignmouth.[6][7]

The release of this album was followed by tour support slots for Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters in the United States. 1999 and 2000 saw Muse playing major festivals in Europe and gigs in Australia.

Origin of Symmetry and Hullabaloo (2001–2002)

During production of the band's second album, Origin of Symmetry, the band experimented with instrumentation such as a church organ, Mellotron, and an expanded drum kit. There were more of Bellamy's high-pitched vocal lines, arpeggiated guitar, and piano playing. Bellamy cites guitar influences such as Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine & Audioslave), the latter evident in the more riff-based songs in Origin of Symmetry and in Bellamy's extensive use of pitch-shifting effects in his solos.[10] The album also features a reworking of Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse's "Feeling Good". Muse successfully sued Nestlé in 2003 when they used Muse's version of "Feeling Good" in a television advert for Nescafé without permission, donating the £500,000 compensation to Oxfam.[11]

Celine Dion was also threatened with legal action in 2002 when she planned to name her Las Vegas show "Muse", despite the band owning the worldwide performing rights to the name. Celine Dion offered $50,000 for the rights but Muse rejected this with Bellamy stating that "We don't want to turn up there with people thinking we're Celine Dion's backing band". Eventually Dion was forced to back down.[12]

Origin of Symmetry was well-received by critics; Dean Carlson of Allmusic commented that "...if you want to sound like Radiohead when even Thom Yorke doesn't want to sound like Radiohead, you might as well take it to such preposterous, bombastic, over-the-top-levels".[13] NME gave the album 9/10 with Roger Morton writing, "It's amazing for such a young band to load up with a heritage that includes the darker visions of Cobain and Kafka, Mahler and The Tiger Lillies, Cronenberg and Schoenberg, and make a sexy, populist album. But Muse have carried it off".[14]

Maverick had reservations about Bellamy's vocal style on this album (considering it not to be "radio-friendly"[citation needed]), and asked Muse to change some of their songs prior to U.S. release. The band refused and left Maverick, resulting in Maverick's decision not to release Origin of Symmetry in the U.S. The album was finally released in the U.S. on 20 September 2005, after Muse signed to Warner.

Muse released a live DVD, Hullabaloo, featuring live footage recorded during Muse's two gigs on consecutive nights at Le Zenith in Paris in 2001 and a documentary film of the band on tour. A double album, Hullabaloo Soundtrack was released at the same time, containing a compilation of B-sides and a disc of recordings of songs from the Le Zenith performances. A double-A side single was also released featuring new songs "In Your World" and "Dead Star".

In the February 2006 edition of Q Magazine, Origin of Symmetry was placed 74th in a fans' poll of the 100 greatest albums ever.

Absolution (2003–2005)

Studio album Absolution, produced by Rich Costey, was released in 2003. The album yielded the hit singles "Time Is Running Out" and "Hysteria". Muse subsequently undertook their first international stadium tour. It continued for about a year and saw Muse visiting Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, and France. Meanwhile, the band released five singles ("Time Is Running Out", "Hysteria", "Sing for Absolution", "Stockholm Syndrome", & "Butterflies and Hurricanes"). The US leg of the 2004 tour began ominously as Bellamy injured himself on stage during the opening show in Atlanta.[15] The tour resumed after several stitches and a couple of days.

Chris Wolstenholme of Muse performing at the Mod Club Theatre, Toronto in 2004. The international Absolution tour included the band's first shows in North America since 1999.

The band also played at the Glastonbury Festival in June 2004. After the festival, the band described the concert as "the best gig of our lives".[16][17] However, drummer Dominic Howard's father, Bill Howard, who was at the festival to watch the band, died from a heart attack very shortly after the performance. "It was the biggest feeling of achievement we've ever had after coming offstage", Bellamy said. "It was almost surreal that an hour later his dad died. It was almost not believable. We spent about a week sort of just with Dom trying to support him. I think he was happy that at least his dad got to see him at probably what was the finest moment so far of the band's life"

Muse then continued their tour. Their last dates were in the U.S. and at the Earls Court arena in London, where they played an extra date due to the high demand for tickets. They won two MTV Europe awards, including "Best Alternative Act" and a Q Award for "Best Live Act". At the end of 2004, Vitamin Records released The String Quartet Tribute to Muse by The Tallywood Strings, an album of instrumental string versions of some of Muse's songs. Muse also received an award for "Best Live Act" at the 2005 BRIT Awards.

The band finished touring in January 2005, then visited the U.S. in April and May On 2 July 2005, Muse participated in the Live 8 concert in Paris, where they performed their singles "Plug In Baby", "Bliss", "Time Is Running Out", and "Hysteria".

An unofficial and unauthorised DVD biography containing no Muse music called Manic Depression was released in April 2005; the band was not involved with the project and did not endorse the release.[18] Another DVD, this time official, was released by the band on December 12 2005, called Absolution Tour. The official release contained re-edited and re-mastered highlights from the Glastonbury Festival 2004 and previously unseen footage from London Earls Court, Wembley Arena, and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Two songs, "Endlessly" and "Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist", are hidden tracks on the DVD taken from Wembley Arena. The only song from Absolution not to appear on the live DVD is "Falling Away With You", which has never been performed live to date.[19] Absolution eventually went Gold in the US.[20]

Black Holes And Revelations and HAARP (2006–2008)

In July 2006, Muse released their fourth album, co-produced by Muse and by Rich Costey, titled Black Holes & Revelations. The album was released officially in Japan on 28 June 2006, in Europe on 3 July 2006 and, in North America on 11 July 2006. The album charted at No. 1 in the UK, much of Europe, and Australia. It was also a success in the United States, reaching No. 9 in the Billboard 200 album chart.[21] Black Holes & Revelations was nominated for the 2006 Mercury Music Prize, but lost to Arctic Monkeys. The album did, however, earn a Platinum Europe Award after selling one million copies in the continent,[22] The album's title and themes are the result of the band's fascination with science fiction and political outrage.[23][24] In August 2006, Muse recorded a live session at Abbey Road Studios for Live from Abbey Road.

The first single from the album, "Supermassive Black Hole", was released as a download on 9 May 2006 and accompanied by a music video directed by Floria Sigismondi. It was later followed by general releases as a single the next month, all ahead of the main album release. The second single, "Starlight", was released on 4 September 2006. "Knights of Cydonia" was released in the U.S. as a radio-only single on 13 June 2006 and in the UK on 27 November 2006. It also had a six-minute promotional video filmed in Romania and was featured on the popular video game Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. It was also voted number 1 in the world's largest music poll Australian Radio's Triple J Hottest 100 for 2007. The fourth single from the album, "Invincible", was then released on 9 April 2007.[25] Another single, "Map of the Problematique", was released for digital download only on 18 June 2007, following the band's performance at Wembley Stadium.

Muse playing "Starlight" at Reading and Leeds Festivals in 2006

Prior to the release of the new album, the band resumed making live performances, which had halted while recording, making a number of promotional TV appearances starting on 13 May 2006 at BBC Radio 1's One Big Weekend. The main live tour started just before the release of their album and initially consisted mostly of festival appearances, most notably a headline slot at the Reading and Leeds Festivals in August 2006.[27] The band's main touring itinerary started with a tour of North America from late July to early August 2006. After the last of the summer festivals, a tour of Europe began, including a large arena tour of the UK.[28] The band spent November and much of December 2006 touring Europe with British band Noisettes as the supporting act. The tour continued in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia in early 2007 before returning to England for the summer. Possibly their biggest performances to date were two gigs at the newly rebuilt Wembley Stadium on 16 June and 17 2007. Both Wembley concerts were recorded for a DVD/CD titled HAARP, which was released on the 17 March 2008[29] in the UK and 1 April 2008[30] in the USA. The title refers to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, a scientific research program aimed at studying the properties and behaviour of the ionosphere.

The touring continued across Europe in July 2007 before heading back to the US in August where they played to a sold out crowd at Madison Square Garden, New York.[31] They earned a headline spot on the second night of the Austin City Limits Music Festival on 15 September 2007, after The White Stripes cancelled their performance. Not long after, they also performed at the October 2007 Vegoose in Las Vegas alongside bands like Rage Against the Machine, Daft Punk, and Queens of the Stone Age.[31] Muse continued touring in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Scandinavia before moving on to Australia and New Zealand. Muse played their final show of the Black Holes & Revelations tour as headliner of the KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas after playing to sell-out crowds throughout Southeast Asia, Australia, the United States, and New Zealand.

A number of individual live appearances also occurred in 2008. In March, they played concerts in Dubai, Johannesburg, and Cape Town.[32] On 12 April they played a one-off concert at the Royal Albert Hall in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust.[33] The band also performed at a new gig in Marlay Park, Dublin on 13 August and were set to play at a gig in Belfast on 14 August. However, the Belfast date was dismissed according to The Belfast Telegraph.[34] Kasabian and Glasvegas supported Muse on their Irish date.[35] A few days later, they were the headline act at V Festival 2008, playing in Chelmsford on Saturday 16 August and Staffordshire on Sunday 17 August.[36] They also hinted at the possibility of a future stadium tour or concerts in South America.[37]

The Resistance (2009-present)

As of February 2, 2009 Muse had already made it into the studio and begun recording at least one song for their upcoming album. On microcuts.net, a news headline stated that the album was slated for a September 2009 release, and a new tour of France, and probably most of Europe, was to follow in the autumn.[38] In an interview with BBC 6 Music, Bellamy commented that the album is to show distinct classical influences, and that it's "all very orchestral".[39]

In the February issue of Australian youth magazine jMag, published by radio station Triple J, it was said that Matt Bellamy had announced in the band's forum that he had written the "hardest song ever". He said "There's a new song in three parts, which I have been working on sporadically for many years. As a large percentage of the composition is orchestral... I've been arranging the orchestral elements myself, which is taking a long time." He hopes that the tracks will feature as the finale to their fifth album. In a series of interviews at the 2009 NME Awards on 25 February, Bellamy revealed that the album was approximately half completed and should be released, in conjunction with a tour, at the end of summer 2009.[40]

On March 24, 2009, the band's website made an official announcement that they will be going on tour in the autumn. "We are pleased to confirm that Muse will be touring in the UK, Europe and North America this autumn. Full details on the UK and European dates will be announced soon, but for now we can confirm that the the band will be special guests to U2 at a number of their North American shows this September including New York on 24 September.[41]

On May 22nd, 2009, the band announced through their website and Twitter[42] that the title of their new album would be The Resistance.


Many Muse songs are recognisable by lead vocalist Matthew Bellamy's falsetto. As a guitarist, Bellamy often utilises arpeggio and pitch-shift effects to create a more "electric" sound, citing Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello as influences for this method.[43]

Black Holes & Revelations was influenced by various styles of European and Asian music. "I've been listening to quite a lot of music from the south of Italy on this album", Bellamy admits. "I've been living in Italy for a while, and I discovered this music from Naples, which sounds like a mix of music from Africa, Croatia, Turkey, and Italy. It kind of gives it a mystical sound, so I think that's one thing that influenced the album. I like being influenced by things that have a mixed style". [44]

Band members

Touring members

  • Morgan Nicholls – synthesizers, keyboards, backing vocals, bass guitar (2004 – present)
Nicholls played bass at the 2004 V Festival in place of the injured Wolstenholme, who broke his wrist during a football match with Didz Hammond from The Cooper Temple Clause. He continues to play bass on "Hoodoo", where Chris plays the guitar, in addition to being a regular synthesizer and keyboard player as well as a backing vocalist.
  • Danny Newell (A.K.A. Dan the Trumpet Man) – trumpet (2006 – present)
Newell plays the trumpet on "Knights of Cydonia" and "City of Delusion" live, although not at every concert.


Studio albums


Year Award Category Region Notes
2000 NME Awards Best New Artist United Kingdom
2001 Kerrang! Awards Best British Band United Kingdom
2002 Kerrang! Awards Best British Live Act United Kingdom
2004 Q Awards Innovation Award United Kingdom
Kerrang! Awards Best Album United Kingdom For Absolution
Q Awards Best Live Act United Kingdom
MTV EMA Best Alternative Italy
MTV EMA Best UK & Ireland Act Italy
2005 BRIT Awards Best Live Act United Kingdom
NME Awards Best Live Act United Kingdom
mtvU Woodie Awards Best International United States
2006 Q Awards Best Live Act[45] United Kingdom
MTV EMA Best Alternative Denmark
Kerrang! Awards Best Live Act[46] United Kingdom
BT Digital Music Awards Best Rock Artist United Kingdom
UK Festival Awards Best Rock Act[47] United Kingdom For Reading and Leeds Festivals 2006
UK Festival Awards Best Headline Act[47] United Kingdom For Reading and Leeds Festivals 2006
Vodafone Live Music Awards Best Live Act[48] United Kingdom
2007 BRIT Awards Best Live Act[49] United Kingdom
NME Awards Best British Band[50] United Kingdom
BT Digital Music Awards Best Rock Artist[51] United Kingdom
Vodafone Live Music Awards Tour of the Year[52] United Kingdom
Q Awards Best Live Act[53] United Kingdom
MTV EMA Headliner[54] Germany
MTV EMA Best UK & Ireland Act[54] Germany
mtvU Woodie Awards Best Performing[55] United States
2008 Meteor Music Awards Best International Live Performance[56] Ireland For Oxegen 2007
NME Awards Best Live Band[57] United Kingdom
MTV Asia Awards Bring Da House Down[58] Malaysia For Muse Asia Tour 2007
2009 NME Awards Best Live Band United Kingdom
NME Awards Best Album Artwork United Kingdom For HAARP

kecelakan yang membuatku lebih dewasa dan mandiri

setiap peristiwa pasti membawa hikmah yang bisa membuat hidup kita lebih baik. Meskipun hikmah itu datang melalui peristiwa yang menyedihkan. Karena Allah Tuhan kita akan selalu menemani kita .

Tepatnya pada hari minggu tanggal 17 MEI ibuku hendak pergi mengujungi kakak perempuanku yang sedang hamil besar di sumber. Namun sungguh naas , ketika ia berjalan di pinggir jalan raya. Seorang pengendara motor yang laju motornya terlalu pinggir menabrak ibuku. Ibuku dibawa ke dokter lalu kata dokter itu ibuku harus tetap rawat jalan . Bibir dan pipi kanannya dijahit entah ada berapa jahitan. Pelaku tidak mau bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya. Bagiku pihak kepolisian kurang tegas, bahkan sangat kurang tegas.
Setelah ibu pulang akhirnya aku yang harus menggantikan pekerjaan ibu. Aku rela melakukannya karena aku sebagai anaknya wajib melakukan itu. Setiap pagi aku harus bangun lebih awal untuk mencuci bajuku dan orang tuaku. Selain itu juga aku harus mencuci peralatan masak juga menyapu rumah. Ayahku yang bertugas memasakan makanan untukku, meskipun nasi yang dia buat tidak enak. Perutku sedikit agak tidak punya selera makan. Tapi aku tetap jalani itu dengan sabar.
Kini ibuku sedang di rumah kakakku menemaninya megurus buah hati perempuan yang baru saja lahir tepatnya pada hari sabtu kemarin dengan cara operasi sesar .
Dari semua itu aku tak lepas dari masalah-masalahku di sekolah. Seperti masalah dengan teman. Ya, aku memang ada masalah dengan temanku. Aku memang salah karena selalu mengungkit-ungkit kesalahanya. Seharusanya mungkin ku terima dia apa adanya. Akan kucoba menjalin hubungan baik lagi dengannya. Kegiatan di luar sekolah. Extrakulikuler karateku kurang baik, entah apa yang bisa membuat seperti itu, rasanya tidak nyaman di hati tapi aku selau mencoba membuat sendiri kenyamanan itu.
Sekarang aku merasa, aku yang sekarang ternyata bisa lebih dewasa dari aku yang dulu. Akan ku buat hidupku lebih berarti lagi. Tuhan pasati tahu apa maksud dan keinginanku

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009


u yang sekarang bukan u yang dulu lagi. semenjak u jauh dari g. siakp u tambah jelek. g akan maafin u kalo u minta maaf, meskipun salah u banyak. karena g pengen kaya dulu lagi

Dulu kita selalu bareng. di mana ada u pasti ada g. g pernah nyeplos k u"gimana rasanya ya kalo kita berantem?" pas ngomong kaya gitu g takut itu bakal terjadi. lama-kelamaan kita saling kesel dikit tapi cuma bentar. trus kita semakin jauh. (Mungkin u ngejauh dari g gara-gara g main sama anak yang pergaulannya salah. dan upikir g sama kaya mereka, tapi kenyataannya g ga sama kaya mereka, g juga tahu pergaulan mereka salah, buktinya g pergi dari mereka)
dan g bilang k u tentang firasat itu tapi u biasa aja.u lupa sama g semenjak u punya temen baru. g sebel, kesel, emosi dan akhirnya marah. g bilang k u kalo g marah tapi u ngeremehin. padahal g harus kehilangan temen g cuma buat dapetin temen kaya u. g pun ninggalin u dan juga . kita semakin jauh tapi g tetep ngerasain firasat tentang u. firasat itu bilang k g kalo u lagi sedih. tapi kali ini g biarin gitu aja firasat itu. kemudian ada orang yang cerita, g pun dateng k u tapi u malah ga ngehargain kedatangan g. pantang nyerah banget ga sih g?
u yang sekarang bukan u yang dulu lagi. g sering banget, bahkan berkali-kali ngasih kesempatan k u tapi u ga pernah bisa gunain kesempatan itu. g ga tahu kesabaran g sampe mana??
Orang yang udah punya kesalahan ma g dan kalo g dah ga punya toleransi lagi , itu berarti g ga bisa maafin orang itu. g takut itu terjadi sama u